Saturday, December 29, 2007

China Dreams

I had a rather stressful dream last night that I thought I would share. I'm getting ready to leave for Hawaii tomorrow morning and as of this morning I was only half packed. Since I'm expecting warm weather, I've packed casual shorts, skirts, tank tops and t-shirts. In my dream, however, this was what I had packed for our China trip. So of course I'm freaking out because I have no suit and no clothes that could even pass for really casual business casual. So as I'm trying to figure out whether or not I could talk my mom into flying over to China to bring me my suit, I suddenly wake up. Thank god is all I can say. I guess I should've realized it was a dream when my roommate was actually my best friend from home who is definitely not coming to China with us or when I got in my car (while still in China) to see if I could go shopping real quick to pick up a suit. Oh well at least it was a dream. If I've learned one thing it's that I'm packing my suit first.

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